Lessons to be learned from the brutal 2nd wave of COVID-19


My grandmother always wanted me to value people over anything in the world. Nothing is greater than the presence of loved ones in your life. Losing them is the biggest and irreparable loss. In the last couple of months, I have seen and realized it so well that I can never forget it till my last breath.

The last two months were the worst months of my life. I felt like throwing my phone away amidst the fear of death calls. One fine day I was having lunch and suddenly my phone started ringing continuously. It was my cousin’s call and I wasn’t prepared to attend the call. Finally, he dropped a text that was very shattering and heartbreaking. Before ending my lunch, I ended up crying for my aunt who lost her life due to COVID-19

After that, I got numerous calls from my relatives and friends about losing their loved ones. It literally made me so depressed and angry. We all felt so helpless in front of this deadly virus. People were running here and there in the quest for oxygen.

Despite having money, some people couldn’t get access to oxygen cylinders and lost their lives.

Amidst the hustle-bustle going around me, I learned some indispensable lessons.

Life is too short to hold grudges

The first important lesson that I learned is to forgive and forget. In this 2nd wave, we all lost our friends and family members. Life has become so unpredictable that it doesn’t give you a second chance to apologize or to patch up. Hence, spread love and become more forgiving. Forget the bad times and deeds. Try to be more understanding and considerate.

Learn to move on and start a new chapter again. Don’t hold grudges against loved ones over small matters.

Spend more on health & fitness than anything else

It’s high time to understand the importance of health. Spend more money on health and fitness than splurging unnecessarily on materialistic possessions. The 2nd wave of COVID-19 made every one of us so helpless that even an apartment in Shanti Niketan or BMW in the parking lot couldn’t help many to beat the virus. All hospitals were flooded with patients are health infrastructure totally collapsed.

Hence, I learned a lesson to pay more attention to updating my health stock rather than buying new cars, iPhones, etc. I learned a lesson to pay more money and attention to different workouts, sports activities, and a healthy lifestyle to gain the highest level of fitness and immunity against viruses and infections.

Keep an eye on welfare & healthcare progress in your area

We choose our MLAs to help us in tough times and make our lives hassle-free. Not to live a luxury life on our votes and taxes. It’s our duty to ask them what they have done in our area for the healthcare and welfare of the people. It’s our duty to ask the local, state, and central govt questions about our welfare through any platform without any fear to inject a sense of fear in them.

The 2nd wave showed us that most of the politicians and leaders were nowhere when the citizens needed them the most. Hence, it’s time to understand that we need to inject a sense of fear and responsibility among them without following them blindly. Let them know that we elected them for good governance and the welfare of the people.

Last but certainly not least, it’s high time to understand that individual responsibility is greater than collective responsibility at present.

In such a health crisis, we all need to take the individual responsibility to keep us safe and sound and to follow the precautions laid by the health department to fight against the virus.

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